Master the Stock Market
It's just math, so use the science behind the markets.
Calculating Percentages
The market is about math. So is shopping. Being able to calculate percentages in your head reasonably quickly is useful.
Lesson 1
A percentage is a fraction of 100. If, for example, you eat half a pie (in one sitting) that’s 50% as 50 is half of 100.
Lesson 2
You aced lesson one so here's what comes next. You can estimate a percentage (fraction) and, if you want, be more precise by chunking down the calculation.
For example: your Trump doll, made of orange peels from Florida, used to be $30. But now, just as you want to order more of them, they go up $7.50 to $37.50. How do you calculate what percentage that is?
$7.50/30 is the fraction. What percentage is $7.50 of $30?
Method A: how many times does 30, the denominator in the fraction, go into 100. A rough estimate is 3 (3 x 30 = 90). Obviously it’s more than three and we could be more accurate by dividing the remaining 10 (100-90) by 3. That’s about 3.33 (a third). Add them together we have a “multiplier” of roughly 33.
We’re trying to figure out the fraction, in a percentage, $7.50 is of $30; so we could multiply 7.50 by 33 (rounded off). That’s a little tricky so let’s make it easier. If we just use 30 it’s 30 x 7.50. That’s a pain in the butt too, so what if we just did 30 x 8? That’s roughly 24. Round it off, and you can use 25% as the increase. Generally, when it comes to investing you just need an approximation.
How to Beat the Stock Market
There are several keys to outperform other investors in the stock market:
Don't take unnecessary risks. The research addresses the probability of success in all stock and ETF buys and sells.
Security selection: Pick the best stocks based on indicators that are effective in real time.
Timing. It matters. If it didn't everybody would be making piles of money.
Subscribers use the analysis and the output from extensive stock screens to manage their own self directed portfolios. It's not hard.
Get key markets analysis of the stock market, bonds, commodities and currencies. All U.S. and Canadian securities are screened.
Build knowledge on how to analyze markets and connect it to the portfolio.
"Subscribers should be happy to have you as a guide and counsel through periods like this. No one is so straightforward with analysis as you." - Bob S. Jan 2019
Science of the markets
Short term and long term studies on stock market price patterns or behaviours are ongoing. From studies, there are certain identifiable indicators that stand out for a higher degree of reliability. In fact, their usefulness for predicting what comes next is profound and continues to amaze us nearly every day. Why nobody else talks about it is surprising in a technology driven world but you'll see the ranking of the indicators, how they're playing out and what it means for your trade execution.
The Crave Investor research process is scientific, unbiased, organized and made easy to use so you can take a load off your mind and get back to other things. Sports are using analytics, the Weather Network uses science and so does a professional approach to portfolio management. Proven evidence based research and portfolio strategies are used for consistent success. Get started.
Never get burned by the stock market
"Take the monthly subscription; it's your portfolio insurance." My suggestion is to try it for at least two months to synchronize your approach and your portfolio transactions.
Paul Thornton - Research director
Our service is designed to empower investors in ways the investment industry can't or won't.
Use a subscription to manage your own investment accounts. Expect to get the best stocks and E.T.F.s, the timing for buys and sells and strategy to guide you through the noise. Many individuals and families continue to use the information provided to build their wealth. You can too. If you're serious about it, we'll get you there.
Monthly and annual subscriptions.
Take the research and work your portfolio
" I believe the most prominent features of the research are the stock and ETF picks, timing and the guidance to get out of and stay out of a falling stock market. This is huge and widely overlooked for some reason (until it's too late)!
Don't let anybody tell you you can't time the stock market. They either don't know how or don't want you to (i.e. the mutual fund industry).
Crave Investor subscribers have reaped the benefits. I didn't invent the system but I drive the organization of the process, refine it and make it available to those who want a consistent system that works." Spend a little cash on a monthly subscription and see for yourself.
- Paul Thornton, founder and Research Director, Crave Investor and Investor Boot Camp.
The system generates a situation specific response using proven higher ranked metrics. In the stock market, the research incorporates fundamentals, useful technical tools (many technicals are not particularly useful by the way), cycles research and pattern recognition. Available to subscribers with how you can use it your way.
How to build an investment portfolio
Log into the subscriber's area on your schedule. Start with the real time updates featuring the most meaningful market action. Your page is called Winning Stocks. Find out what matters in the stock market, bonds commodity and currency markets and what to do about it.
Get key market action, the related action, strategy, execution tips, an explanation with illustration and information designed to build your knowledge and system. For any investment style; it's your benchmark.
Certain portfolio guidelines or rules have been shown to work well to generate consistent long term performance in even the craziest markets. In fact, the more extreme a market is, the more you'll see how the evidence based approach works for you.
Why it works!
Pro sports use metrics and just about every other industry utilizes data gathered on key variables. So can investors. The Crave Investor system finds the most effective stock market metrics then uses them to screen for the best stock and E.T.F. choices. We didn't make it up, but we do work hard to organize it and make it efficient for you to use. It works for novice and expert investors.
Real time results are monitored and adjusted when something changes.
Speculation or bias are minimized; Objectivity and detachment are key in the stock market.
Timing: It matters in the financial markets. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise.
The guidance (buy and sell indications), when followed, keeps capital out of falling markets.
Watch lists provide an effective benchmark and an easier organized approach for analysis and engineering a portfolio.