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Investor Tool Kit

1 min read
High leverage top stock ETFs
It's nice to make a $1 but what if you could make two, or better still, three times? Well, here you go. MSTX is a three times (daily)...

2 min read
How to figure out the stock market!
4 minutes read time Ever get lost on a road trip because you thought you didn't need a map? Well "here's something, here's something", a...

2 min read
Wild stock market action on earnings shouldn't happen!
Tech company Nvidia NVDA surged over 15% February 22nd 2024 following the release of earnings. NVDA received a lot of attention for its...

2 min read
Time the stock market: ignore the herd!
When a stock market up trend finally comes to an end it tends to fool just about everybody. But there are certain signs that may tip you...

4 min read
Stock splits; no free lunch
Stock splits and reverse stock splits are common occurrences in the stock market. But realistically they don't mean anything. Here's why....

2 min read
How to average down in the stock market
The stock market is well known for extreme price swings and the Covid-19 bear market will go down as one of the biggest in history. But...

1 min read
Commodity market E.T.F.s
E.T.F.s or Exchange Traded Funds are investment vehicles providing investors with potentially lower trade and corporate risk than owning...

2 min read
Beat the market with a stop buy order
Think of orders in the stock market as your strategy. The stop loss order is type of order and many investors are familiar with how a...
2 min read
How to understand the stock market
Technical analysis, balance sheets and income statements, research reports, CNBC and BNN and the latest news. Many believe these are the...

2 min read
How you knew Bitcoin would go lower
Leading cryptocurrency Bitcoin has hit a new low plunging 70% in just six months. Unfortunately many eager investors have suffered big...
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