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Investment workshops, webinars and seminars.
Build your knowledge, build your portfolio.

It is recommended you participate in webinars on a desktop (not a cell phone). 

Stop Losses: Are they Worth It?

Webinar: Monday February 17th 1:00 p.m.

This is the next in a series of exploration into stock market analysis and portfolio construction. This will be a 20 minute session followed by Q & A. 

Register here

Risk: Does it Really Matter?

Webinar: Monday February 24th 1:00 p.m.​

This might seem boring but it will be more thought provoking than other investment related topics. What we dig into, will make you smarter! 

Register here

It's not boring!

Investing is a dry subject immersed in math but you'll like our interactive classroom workshops and online presentations. Bring your questions and feel free to vent about investment mistrials! Be challenged, get what you need. 

Dig into key elements of stock market analysis and the realities of keeping our heads on straight while steering our investment portfolio. All levels of knowledge and experience may . extract something you can use and one thing we'd like to see you take away is to know how to avoid the traps out there. Avoid the naive investor syndrome!






Crave workshops and webinars

We explore the realities of the stock market, what is most challenging to handle psychologically and how to master the portfolio. A great way to do so, is to use the member's access with the studies applied in the context of relevant real time stock and commodity markets behaviours. In layman's terms, we set it up so you ​​may use it to manage your self-directed investment accounts.

Strategy and mindset management are frequently addressed as personal tendencies or bias are a huge influence and unfortunately not consistently effective. Get something to help you stop yourself from defeating yourself. Strip away the myths and flawed assumptions on the markets and how to manage investment capital. All sessions are interactive and usually quite engaging. Perhaps there will be a laugh or two.

Check this out. 


How the Stock Market Works - Advanced

Classroom course in Toronto:

Feb 24th and March 3rd (two nights, classroom sessions).

The in-depth detailed study will be an intense "roll up your sleeves" two hours. This is where investors can truly extract more of the key aspects of markets analysis and portfolio management.​​

​It is recommended the prerequisite Investor Boot Camp courses be taken before this course (for your benefit). However, it is not mandatory. The work done between the two sessions is how you may maximize what you take from this program.  

​For more email Paul Thornton​​​​​​​​​​


Email to be on the notifications blast. 

Topics revolve around key aspects of

  • financial market research,

  • portfolio action,

  • mindset and strategy. How do they connect (this is a good one)!

  • knowledge building and,

  • principles in execution in self directed investment accounts. 


"First of all, a BIG THANK YOU for taking the time to give these webinars during this unprecedented period. Appreciate the help you’re giving to members to keep us on track and ensure our financial health in these troubling times.  It’s so much clearer when you talk out the daily comment and strategies in the webinar and show charts to clarify. It has been a great help for me anyway."

"Thanks for doing these webinars. As usual, well presented, informative, and pertinent, especially during these times. The Zoom hook up is superior. It loads in a matter of seconds and presents the slides quickly and clearly. So, thanks again. We shall see what the world looks like (in the next webinar) !!!"

Webinar preparation

How do I log into a Crave Investor webinar?

(Android devices)

  1. Register: The link will be emailed. Using the session link, open the Zoom app. If you have not downloaded the Zoom mobile app yet, you can download it from the Play Store on your device.

  2. Enter the meeting ID number, if required, and fill in all registration fields.

  3. Choose the computer audio option and tap Join Meeting.

It is suggested you give yourself several minutes to get the technology set up so you're ready to go.

Solutions for investors

Workshops are designed to provide useful real-world information related to markets analysis, portfolio management strategies, mindset management, and an internalization of financial markets functionality. Cut through the noise and don't get burned by the stock market!


Who we are

Workshops are conducted by investment markets education and market analysis expert Paul Thornton. Paul was an Investment Advisor for 25 years before launching Crave Investor and Investor Boot Camp. Paul has been a regular guest on CP24, BNN, CBC and CBC radio offering insights into the markets and what people can do about difficult market scenarios.

Build your knowledge, build your portfolio

Crave Investor is refined markets analysis and portfolio management approach based on a number of long-term and real-time studies of financial markets. It's rooted in science made easy to use for those who manage their own portfolios including advisors and fund managers. Here's how it works.

Everything in our workshops and the stock market research addresses the question "how do you know?" Bring all questions to workshops as we strive to get better at mastering our portfolios.

For more contact Paul Thornton, your workshop facilitator at

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Interesting, informative and maybe even useful

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