Pattern Recognition
The PATTERN RECOGNITION workshop is for investors/traders who manage a stock portfolio. There are five key predictive indicators that are vital to stock selection and the construction of a portfolio, but ultimately the screening process hangs on recognizing market behaviour patterns. Patterns or trading behaviours are significant in the stock market.
Some patterns or trading behaviours are historical in nature and tend to repeat. In fact, they are highly reliable and one of the best indicators of future performance.
Within every market cycle, up and down, there is a unique pattern. When you know what it is, it may be used to drive decisions. This is how you maximize what the stock market offers, execute the best possible timing in the best performing stocks and manage risk.
Applying the knowledge of real time patterns empowers the portfolio manager to excel.
The online workshop will be relatively heavy with lots of detail. That's to your advantage! Ideally, you will have two devices available but it's not necessary. To get the most of the sessions be prepared to do some work between sessions. And one other thing, you're going to truly see how the stock market works, turning you into a Master.
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